
New to PTA?  Here's what you need to know.

PTA connects the school (teachers and administration) and parents.  We serve as an information source for both, and the meetings are a big part of how we do that. Coming to a PTA meeting does not mean you are volunteering for anything, or agreeing to join as a member.  It is simply a way to learn what the PTA and the school are up to.  Sometimes procedures can make the meetings feel formal, but we are all just parent volunteers and we really do want as many parents as possible to come to the meetings.

PTA meetings are a great place to learn more about Noble Elementary and the issues and activities impacting your child's experience.  Come have a voice in how PTA funds are spent, hear from our Principal and get involved in delivering enriching programs and community events for our students! 

For a list of programs, events, and other terms that might come up in a PTA meeting, please click here. It's also easy to become a member - join here for only $10!

When are the meetings?

Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month (except December and months with conflicting holidays) from 6:30 PM until 7:45ish. See the Calendar page for the next meeting date and information.

For 2023-2024 school year, we are starting the year with remote PTA meetings.

Meeting ID: 854 8741 2521Passcode: 088309 

Meeting Agenda - What do you talk about?

Agendas are published 10 days prior to the meeting. We discuss upcoming school and PTA events, PTA needs, and hear from the association about issues they want PTA to address. For example, in prior years, the PTA requested the superintendent to come hear concerns from Noble about the nutrition of the 2nd chance breakfast being offered at recess.  

Agenda for 1/13/2024